MEMS Dual 1x2, Dual 2x2 Non-Latching Fiber Optical Switch

(two switches in one)

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The MEMS Non-Latching type Series Fiber Optical Switches provide industry-leading performance in fast switching speed, latching, low insertion loss, and high reliability, as well as low cost. The switch connects optical channels using our proprietary thermal activated micro-mirror, moving in and out optical paths, uniquely featuring high stability without long-term drift, fail-safe latching, fast setting time, and direct 5V drive convenience. The same format can accommodate configurations of 1×1, Dual 1×1, Quad 1×1, 1×2, Dual 1×2, Full 2×2, and Dual Full 2×2 for both single mode and Multimode fibers. The switches are also available with configurations of 1×1, 1×2 PM.


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