ASE 1550nm Broadband Light Sources

  • 1528 -1620nm
  • Up to 10W
  • High Stability
  • High Reliability
  • Low Cost
  • Ease to Use

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The ASE (Amplified Spontaneous Emission) light source series provides a single-mode broadband emission with low coherence and low polarization, making it ideal for high-precision measurement applications. The design utilizes rare-earth-doped fibers pumped by a cooled laser source, enhancing longevity and reliability. Featuring precision feedback control, the unit ensures high stability. The ASE 1550 is available in two wavelength bandwidth configurations: C-band (1528–1563 nm) and C+L band (1528–1615 nm). We offer both OEM modules with a driving PCB and plug-and-play benchtop units. A flat version integrates special filters for a flat spectral output to meet specialized application needs in the C-band. The ASE is also an excellent polarization light source with a high and stable polarization extinction ratio. These ASE light sources are widely used in telecom component testing, fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors, optical coherence tomography (OCT), fiber optic gyroscopes, gas sensing, fluorescence excitation, and optical component characterization.

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