CrystaLatch™ 1x2 LiDAR Fiber Optic Switch

  • High Power
  • Low Loss
  • High Reliability
  • Compact
  • High-Speed (<10μs rise/fall)

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The CrystaLatch™ 1×2 Series LiDAR fiber optical switch is a non-mechanical device with advantageous features for LIDAR applications. We scan a probing laser beam among two output fiber ports with high power handling capability (5W CW) and redirect the reflecting light into a dedicated receiving signal fiber port. Our patent pending design reduces more than 2dB system optical loss by eliminating the need to pass the reflected signal through an additional circulator or coupler. Moreover, we provide the receiving signal with over 60dB isolation from the probe laser beam via a proprietary patent-pending configuration. Our all-solid-state CL fiber optic switch further offers extremely high reliability in addition to low insertion loss, high extinction ratio, high channel isolation, and high repeatability. It is designed to meet the most demanding switching requirements of continuous operation without failure, longevity, operation under shock/vibration environment, with large temperature variations, and fast response time. The switches have been used in aerospace, out space, undersea, and outdoor applications.

An electronic driver is available for this series of switches.