MEMS Variable Fiber Optical Attenuators (VOAs)

We produce a wide range of fiber optical attenuators for all application scenarios. The types include VOAs made of 2D MEMS having good repeatability and low cost; VOAs made of 1D MEMS having >70 dB high attenuation; VOAs made of fiber directly coupled to fiber MEMS having ultra-low loss <0.2dB, ultra-broadband 350 to 240nm, vibration insensitive; and VOAs made of optical crystals having ultra-fast V < 100ns response. Many of them can be configurated to handle: high power up to 10W, large core fibers up to 1mm, ultra-small size, large array, precision, and high repeatability with feedback control. These VOA series are in full compliance with the Telcordia 1209 and 1221 reliability standards.