Passive All-Fiber Polarization Depolarizer (laser specific)

  • 750nm to 2000nm
  • DOP < 5%
  • IL < 1dB
  • Low Loss
  • Low Cost
  • Low Degree of Polarization
  • High Reliability
  • High Power Handling
  • Wide Temperature Operation

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The Optical Fiber Depolarizer is a passive all-fiber device that renders a polarized input into a random polarization output, featuring low cost, high reliability, and high power handling. However, the performance is related to the input laser wavelength and light linewidth. We perform design optimization according to the laser characters. This type of depolarizer is more suitable for volume production for a specific laser. The operation is based on Lyot depolarizer’s principle by splitting and transiting different optical paths to the output, where they are recombined with differential time delays between the two orthogonal polarization states. We produce two types of depolarizers: Polarization-sensitive type, in which the input polarization is linear along the axis of a PM fiber. These devices are uni-directional. Arbitrary type in which the input polarization is unknown and/or varies with time. These devices are bi-directional. For both categories, the output fiber is SMF by default.
Note: This product does not work for narrow-line lasers. This product requires the customer to send the laser to us to tune; otherwise, it may not work.


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