Fiber Coupled InGaAs PIN Photodiode

900 to 1600nm, 5MHz, 2.5GHz, 5GHz, all fiber types
  • Low Cost
  • All Wavelength
  • All Fiber Type
  • Compact Design

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The Fiber Coupled High-Speed InGaAs PIN Photodiode is based on a unique package that features high speed fast rise and fall response.  The component integrates a fiber with a high sensitivity/small area photodiode for signal detection. The response is analog without TIAC.  Our design minimizes component assembly costs and module footprint while increasing stability over a wide temperature and wavelength ranges.

Associated sensor electronic amplifier is also available.

Qty: 7 | $95 | FCHI-181101331 | 900 - 1620 0.2GHz No SMF-28 900um tube 1.0 m None

Qty: 8 | $95 | FCHI-181101131 | 900 - 1620 0.2GHz No SMF-28 Bare fiber 1.0 m None


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